Thursday, October 14, 2021

A new year wish

 A new year wish


May this new year set the soul free

Whose wings were clipped 

But aimed to fly high..

Let it dream of a clear sky

Let it believe in it's own strength.

Let's not make it just another year when

The yet to born child of hope dies

A silent death 

Appalled by the apathy

Surprised by the hatred

That breeds underneath.

Let's not give ourselves such a year

Where emotions are mocked 

And humanity reduced to a mere word.

May this new year bring vision 

To us who refuse

To look past a person's face 

Who are unable to see

A soul, a living being

A human with feelings .

Let this new year infuse empathy 

Into minds of the indifferent

Infuse love ,kindness and gratitude 

Into each beats of the heart.

This new year came just like another year🌅

But let's hope for the best👍

For this year may change the way we see others😊

For it may make us judge less and love more👫

For it may fill our hearts with compassion💞

For it may make us want to be a better person.. 😇

 #NewYear #NewHope #mypoem

The Darkness


#MyPoem #TheDarkness

The dark sky
Muted, just like the stillness of the earth
Twinkling stars gaze intently
In search of the missing moon

The cool breeze of spring
Busy finding its own way
Through the rustling of leaves
Oblivious to the deafening silence
That dominates the world around

The empty rooftop
Amidst ocean of houses in the busy city
Devoid of a single soul
Except mine..
Rejoicing in the silent melody
Put together by the chill and darkness..

Some days
Being alone is all you need
To lose yourself
In the symphony of the emptiness
To feel the stars, the breeze
And the sound of your own heartbeat

To find your own soul and set it free
In the darkness of night
Just to let it return in the morning
With the rising sun
More lively, more bright ..

The eclipse of Life

 ******* Eclipse Of Life ********

The Sun and the moon

Smiling coyly

On the verge of an eclipse

All set to prove

The oneness of their being

To the earthly world

That always saw them separately

Through it's mundane eyes

They both shined 

One burnt and one glowed

They took turns

One alone and one among the twinkles

The perfect partnership

Of strength and softness

Of harmony..and Of togetherness.

Just like the duos of sky

The bright joy and the silvery sadness

Two shades of one spirit

The storm of fury and the serene calmness

Two sides of one nature

The facets of our very own soul

The contrasting hues of humanness

Painting a stark picture 

Of reality ...and of revelations..

Just like

The voyage of Sun towards the moon

Ending in an eclipse

We all march forward 

On the wheels of time

On a journey from dusk till dawn

Just to find the wholeness of our essence

Despite the eclipsed differences

That splash the horizon of life

With colours so varied

Sometimes persian blue..and at times crimson red..😊

          - Nitijita

#SunAndMoon #AfterLong #NightScribbling #Mypoem

One Last Time


One last time
I wanted to feel the tide
Touching my feet
And moving away silently
Far into the horizon ..
One last time
I wanted to walk on the sand
With my bare feet
Just to leave some footprints behind..

One last time
I wanted to hear the sea
Murmuring the song
Of faith and belief ..
One last time
I wanted to feel lost
In the dark blue waves
Dancing to the tune of the moon
Just to wash away
The locked up emotions..

One last time
I wanted to feel the tears
Soaking my face
Still fresh and warm..
One last time
I wanted to face my fears
Mocking mercilessly
At my naiveness..

One last time
I wanted to give myself
The gift of peace
By silencing the voice of my heart
By walking away
From the things and memories
I used to call my own..


One rainy day

Walking through the rain

She didn't really care..

The drizzling

Almost soaked her 

With a joy..

A happiness unexplained 

A new found peace..

She realised

She is smiling to herself 

Somewhere along the way 

Lost in the thought

Of countless memories 

That met her 

Unannounced that day ..

This time 

The happy curve didn't fail 

To reach her eyes

Nor did it fade

Sooner than it should..

In love with the thoughts

She looked above

With tears of gratitude..

For blessing her

With such a journey 

Of countless roses and a handful of thorns..

A journey

That never ceased

To make her smile

Out of the blue now and then..

That never failed

To make her believe  

In the beauty of life 

Despite the gloomy days..

That still continues ..

To fetch her

Bursts of happiness

Through the lane of nostalgia..

A journey ..

She keeps close to her heart

Safe in the vault of feelings 

For an eternity to cherish ..



She sat in silence

Her eyes fixed 

Far into the grey horizon

An emptiness greeted her heart

A void..

That could never be filled..

The blue hue of the sky

Patched with pregnant clouds

Stood witness

To the profound silence

She found solace in..

While roars of dry lightening 

Raised their voice in tandem

From time to time..


She waited for the rain

To soak her whole essence

To get rid of the lump of dryness

She felt in her throat..

To pour drops of life

Into her desserted heart

That often forgot

The rhythm of its own beats..

The waiting and the silence

Never left her side

The rain never came..

To make her feel complete again..

At last..

The barren land of her soul

Made peace with the raged loo..

In no time..

The dry spells of hollowness

Engulfed her spirit..


An unquenched thirst

Was all she was left with..  
