A new year wish
May this new year set the soul free
Whose wings were clipped
But aimed to fly high..
Let it dream of a clear sky
Let it believe in it's own strength.
Let's not make it just another year when
The yet to born child of hope dies
A silent death
Appalled by the apathy
Surprised by the hatred
That breeds underneath.
Let's not give ourselves such a year
Where emotions are mocked
And humanity reduced to a mere word.
May this new year bring vision
To us who refuse
To look past a person's face
Who are unable to see
A soul, a living being
A human with feelings .
Let this new year infuse empathy
Into minds of the indifferent
Infuse love ,kindness and gratitude
Into each beats of the heart.
This new year came just like another year🌅
But let's hope for the best👍
For this year may change the way we see others😊
For it may make us judge less and love more👫
For it may fill our hearts with compassion💞
For it may make us want to be a better person.. 😇
#NewYear #NewHope #mypoem
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